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Leah Kate

Leah Kalmenson (known professionally as Leah Kate) is an uncreative, cringe and naughty American pop/rock singer who wishes to be like Avril Lavigne and Gwen Stefani, but turns out to be a horrible copy of Ashlee Simpson. She likes to copy other artists' songwriting styles, for example: "10 Things I Hate About You" is like Miley Cyrus's "7 Things", "Twinkle Twinkle" was adapted from a nursery rhyme like Gayle's "ABCDEFU" and the way she grumbles about her ex-boyfriend(s) in songs is like Olivia Rodrigo in"Sour". Once, she even dared to call Melanie Martinez, who's obviously better than her, "Floptinez".

A: What do you think of Leah Kate?
B: Meh!

by coolunclepietro February 3, 2023

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Leah kate

Someone who probably went through a bad break up

I just listened to a song by Leah kate apparently she was in a bad relationship

by EliShane July 3, 2022

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Indyana-Kate is a female name and her name means a woman who is powerful and independent . She is also know for being pure hearted .

Indyana-Kate could be described as person seeks and sees the best in people like for example like Anne Franks quote that says β€œ Inspite of everything I believe that people are really good at heart”.~AnneFrank

by Musicismyclarity_14 April 14, 2022

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to get kicked in the ballsack, kneed in the face and then stuck in the face with a semtex

Nigga that mofo just got kit-kated

by x oliveira x November 6, 2010

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Kate the Chaser

Kate the Chaser is one of Slendermans proxies. She is 19 years old and was born on March 26th. She is one of the 4 main proxies of slenderman. She is a psycho killer, not anything else.

Masky/Tim: Kate, there’s another mission we have to do y’know.
Kate the Chaser: Fuck off

by Emo_Gay_Bish May 11, 2022

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Kate Alen

A fictional character that appears in the F-Zero series and made her first appearance in F-Zero X. She is a songstress and F-Zero pilot. She's also hot and sexy.

Kate Alen is my favorite character ever because I loved her singing voice.

by MeeMeeCandy777 May 16, 2019

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wtf why are you being such an auna-kate

by frickinlion January 25, 2018

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