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Clown Kiss

Whist a lady is on a heavy flow day and a preferably dapper gentleman is taking advantage of this natural contraceptive, said lady aggressively jumps off of her mount and stamps her vagina on the mans chest, establishing a hint of dominance, levity, and a fond memory the gentlemen can wear the rest of the day.

I'm on cloud nine, I've got a clown kiss under this awesome 90's rugby shirt I'm wearing.

by COS 87 March 30, 2017

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kiss a duck

Shut the fuck up!

Man: "you've had enough to drink"
Woman: "kiss a duck"

by Ndugu Flaco November 25, 2017

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Icelandic Kiss

This one is one of a kind. When you are at a public swimming pool and have to get all naked with strangers to shower(mandatory in Iceland). You accidentally drop your towel while naked and you bend over to pick it up meanwhile somebody walks up behind you naked and you kiss his thigh with your pulsing prolapsing brown star.

Ahh shit man i went swimming last night with my kids and i accidentally gave some french tourist an Icelandic kiss

by TallerThanTallest July 14, 2017

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Sliding Kiss

When you and your boyfriend/spouse are kissing but still want to check out the scenery you both look oppisite ways while sliding your lips against one another thus creating the "Sliding Kiss"

I was kissing my man, when I heard some one approaching and wanted to see so I slipped him a sliding kiss

by Lady DeeLishy November 13, 2009

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kissing the mic

hogging the limelight. a person who is trying to steal the show.

at Live 8, Geldof kept kissing the mic

by pulcher_ancilla September 1, 2005

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kiss cookie

when you attempt to fart on your loved one, but end up shitting yourself a small amount instead.

Person 1: I totally shat on my girlfriend last night.

Person 2: Sick, dude, how?

Person 1: ..I tried to fart on her. But it was only a little bit

Person 2: Damn, talk about a kiss cookie.

by missmanda May 2, 2010

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Glasgow kiss

Glasgwegien slang for headbutt

Ahm gonna gee yeh a glesga kiss

by David McQuillan March 28, 2003

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