neither first nor second, but third and afterwards
"I'm not about to be her sloppy next!
Someone's neighour or a jabroni man who went to the wrong door or a neighbour of Van Darkholme.
Also means someone who is insignificant.
Don't be a Boy ♂next♂ door, be the boss of this gym.
Oh! Right! That last one wasn't supposed to be the next one but I forgot. Parental Dictatorship! One thing you hear a lot is "The had to steal because the needed to feed their family"
Hym "See, this was supposed to be the next one before the alien one but I forgot and then I fell into a convenient rejoinder to this one and here we are. Parental Dictatorship! All of the immoral things are justified if it's done in the name of programming the people I have unquestionable dominion over! And my NEED to have dominion over THEM... Requires me to have dominion over YOU... Which means I need to YOU to cede control of your own behavior... To ME... Because I need to feel as though you are sufficiently under control... And if I DON'T... Well, then I need to find a way to MAKE YOU DEMONSTRATE PERFORMATIVELY that you are willing to allow me to control your behavior to some extent... Because if I'm not in comtrol of you... YOU AREN'T GOING TO CONTROL YOU RIGHT! Parental Dictatorship! It's why when Russell Brand (allegedly) rapes little girls it's 'bound to happen' but when people being kept in an artificial state of poverty do it they need to be 'given hell' by a sniveling, whiney, crybaby bitch of a gomer. He's rich and famous! Why would he NOT think he's just gets to do whatever he wants? And he's a parent now! So, he's redeemed. Redemption by way of a women shitting out a fuck-trophy for him. He's been anointed by the priestess and is, therefore, ome of the chosen."
This phrase is used when a person is insulting another person. instead of I'll slap you into next week
I'll ass you into next week if you don't leave me alone.
The boy/girl next door that thinks none of the other kids but him/her should have as much right to talk as him/her, which is why the Cartman next door never shuts the fuck up, but expects everyone else to. The Cartman next door always claims to want to give everyone a voice despite being the only one talking, thinking that they're all okay with somebody other than themselves being their own voices.
The Cartman next door likes to ridicule the other kids he/she is pretending to be friends with, though it's hard if not impossible to see how/why anyone would like or want to be friends with someone like the Cartman next door. He/she is as much of a loser as any other kid that he/she is always calling losers, and wants to look tough all the time, despite a lack of any real evidence that the Cartman next door waa ever tough at all.