A phrase that is commonly found in shitty error messages that are completely vague, dismissive, and do not have any information and details on why and how an error has occurred and what the user should do to fix it, which leaves the user confused and not knowing how they can fix the error. It is usually either followed by the phrase "try again" or accompanied by the word "oops," "uh oh," or "sorry." If you regularly go surfing on the Web or scrolling through social media, chances are, you probably have come across at least one generic error message with that phrase.
In the context of error messages, the phrase "something went wrong" has been known to piss off a lot of people, especially the users on the Internet. This is perfectly understandable, considering that when one runs into an error message containing the phrase, the two scenarios that will most likely happen are the following:
1. They try to do something over, over, and OVER again, but the error still occurs. Feeling that they can't do anything about the error, they go from feeling disappointed, being overwhelmed, to feeling overly frustrated that they are more likely to go batshit crazy and bashing their phone or computer.
2. They just feel annoyed, say "UGH!", try to calm down and forget about the error, and simply move on.
Person: *tries to download a 30GB game*
Person:"C'mon, hurry up..."
Computer: "Oops, something went wrong. Please try again."
Incompetent Employee: "Hello, this is the COMPANY NAME Customer Service. How may we help you?"
Customer: "So recently the app has been crashing a lot every time I try to launch it. I always get this message that says 'something went wrong please try again' and blah blah blah..."
Incompetent Employee: "Well, the best suggestion we can provide for you to solve this issue is... to just try relaunching the app again :)"
Customer: "...What?"
Incompetent Employee: "Try relaunching the app again and see if the problem is fixed."
Customer: "How the hell am I gonna fix the error?! I've already relaunched SIXTEEN time-"
System: "Sorry, something went wrong during the call. Please try again, and If the problem persi-"
Customer: "Goddamnit."
Technology's FAVORITE word. When it decides that there is an error and refuses to reveal the cause.
Computer: "Something went wrong"
Phone: "Something went wrong"
Tablet: "Something went wrong"
Me: What the Fuck!!!!!
If monkey have banana, banana valuable. If monkey grow more banana, banana not rare, banana not valuable
you picked the wrong house fool
When you get so drunk you end up fucking a guy instead of a chick
Scoring On The Wrong Goal: “Did your roommate hook up with his girl last night?” “No he got too hammered and scored on the wrong goal.”
A phrase to say when someone says a phrase wrong; A phrase to say when someone says a phrase in the wrong context.
"That was the wrong antique squirrel!"
When you touch a nerve in a conversation..
You say something innocently but it ends up pissing them off.
M:Hey..how's the situation your ex coming up?😈
Shi:Are you fucking kidding me?🤨
M:Sorry...foot in the wrong place✋🏼
Shi:Next time am gonna fucking kill you🤨🤨🤨
a catchy song thats a remix of glue70 - Casin and Shake That-Nate Dogg & Eminem ,meme faktor 1000
you: dude did you hear you've reposted in the wrong neighbourhood yet?
you: why its awesome