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noob wagon

when a noob uses a powerful, uber vehicle to try a pwn skillful people.

one guy: "God damn, who the hell is in the noob wagon?"
other guy: " i dont know, but he's really pissing me off."

by Lord Jackal January 13, 2008

12👍 1👎

Lube Noob

When a man is having sex for the first time and is inexperienced so doesn't know how to use lube so is a Lube Noob.

Girl: Do you know how to use lube?
Boy: No I'm a lube noob

by BallsOutForBantu November 28, 2016

Plane noob

plān nu:b

adj: A player in a battle-scale FPS (Battlefield, ArmA, etc) who has taken the time to become adept at an aviation device, which usually involves a large degree of difficulty, and proceeds to use aforementioned acquired abilites against his enemy, and is therefore insulted, by being called a noob.

'u r a plane noob'
'Why yes, I am a pilot, thank you.'

by AceBader December 28, 2011

noob to lube

Used to describe a situation, person, or thing that demonstrates extreme immaturity, naivity, and innocence, often related to a lack of sexual experience.

Usually includes a hint of outrageousness, but can refer to a simple awkward situation.

Oh my gosh, Max got naked infront of everyone without even hesitating. He's the least noob to lube person ever!

Look at how noob to lube they are with that pinata.

by #falconpride April 20, 2011

Tank Noob

In the Halo games, a term used to describe someone who sucks but gets a lot of cheap kills just because they're in a tank and not because they're good. This term is often used by players who get frustrated because they keep getting owned by someone in a tank or by people who are sore losers in general.

That player is a fucking tank noob. I'd own his sorry ass if he were on foot.

by Halo Playa January 3, 2010

Squid noob

a big noob

Look at that Squid noob!

by Fuckrick December 7, 2022


A little game people like to play where you go and hack the accounts of noobs.
It's not always in the intention of stealing their items, but rather something done for fun.

Anyways, I'm gonna get off the phone to go play a game of hack-a-noob.

by Margo Roth Spiegelman II April 26, 2009