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Period flare

Like a woman on menopause, gets hot for no reason; hot flash. A woman on her period, gets hot for no reason.

Stephanie is never hot. Always cold, except when she's on her period. I call this a period flare.

by Snakeskates October 8, 2012

Man Period

Whenever a man feels the uncontrollable urge to invalidate others feelings, especially due to the lack of their own self - esteem

Tate fans are always on their Man Period.

by Finlet February 8, 2023

braking in period

Combination of "braking" (i.e., related to a car's brakes) and "breaking in period," describing the time it takes to adjust your foot to the sensitivity of the brakes of a car that you don't regularly drive, such as a friend's car, your spouse's car, or a rental car. At first, the brakes are either too sensitive, which causes you to slam down the breaks and jerk to a stop, or, too firm and require you to push down harder with your foot than you are used to.

I hope I get over the braking in period soon because I'm driving like a 9 year old right now.

by Ae5Ea8 April 15, 2015

anus period

When you bleed out of your ass

Hey Paul, I had too many hot wings last night and now I’m having an anus period!

by Luapcas November 11, 2017

period of seriousness

when someone takes the time to put a period. after everything they say to make it more serious.

man that bitch was sexy.
did you see the babys rattle honey.
i love you.
why is he using the period of seriousness.

by shmello1234 September 10, 2011

period no tampon

to add emphasis to a point that was made, but even more than periodt.

Girl she was a MESS, period no tampon.

by nerdynanny October 14, 2021

trump periods

A term use to describe the worst periods in existence. Trump periods are typically when periods that never end, have big chunks, cramps to when your curled up onto the bathroom floor crying and when your favourite crack that’s supposed to save you is unavailable. When someone is on a trump period run for your life, but leave the candy, blankets, painkillers and tampons at the door. Trump periods, like trump himself, are awful, painful, disgraceful and most of all, horrendously large and obnoxious

1: she’s on her trump period leave her alone

2: what’s trump period ?

1: A term use to describe the worst periods in existence. Trump periods are typically when periods that never end, have big chunks, cramps to when your curled up onto the bathroom floor crying and when your favourite crack that’s supposed to save you is unavailable. When someone is on a trump period run for your life, but leave the candy, blankets, painkillers and tampons at the door. Trump periods, like trump himself, are awful, painful, disgraceful and most of all, horrendously large and obnoxious

2: shit.

by anonymous333333333 November 2, 2020