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let it run

proper command a coxswain or coach to yell inorder for the rowers of the sport known as crew to stop rowing; commonly confused with weigh 'nuff however this is the PROPER TERM; originated for the fact that after the rowers stop rowing the boat will still run across the top of the water

Coxswain: "Bow pair, take a few strokes."
Coxswain: "Let it run."

by kait May 20, 2006

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club run

When a group of stoner friends, one of whom has a prescription for medical marijuana, make a run to a legal cannabis dispensary, to obtain all sorts of cannabis goodies

Yo, I just burnt the last of my trees, let's make a club run to san francisco to get that good stuff

by Jdp420 August 6, 2008

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atomic runs

massive shits that burn.

i just had the atomic runs now my butt hole is bleeding

by makayla is bae December 2, 2016

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death run

A fast, difficult stream of arrows in DDR or ITG.

I failed at the death run in PSMO.

by 5'11"Racer March 4, 2009

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Jazz Run

Placing your hands on the small of your back and gracefully running around, preferably while smiling.

"I just saw the UVM Pep Band jazz running across the street to Steak 'n Shake!"

by liveand_letdie22 April 7, 2010

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run dry

1- To stop drinking (usually an alcoholic beverage) or to start drinking more water

2- A Patrick Stump song that sounds like it was made in the mid 1980s.

You should run dry whenever your drunk

by Monica is ma nigga August 21, 2017

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when ur sitting with a bunch of people and you accidently let one rip. you get up and pretend to go do something else, but you are actually just running away from your fart so no one else knew you farted.

Hean: I'm gonna go get another drink.

Jay: eww, whats the smell? dude, did hean just fart-and-run?

Matt: Bah

by knobhead June 17, 2006

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