When a female makes a post on social media about dudes, with the intention of getting dudes to comment about how they are "not like all the other dudes".
Girl, that post is total dude bait!
a post that is about religion in facebook or other social media that says like "Good afternoon plss use 1minute to thank god🙏🙏", only god's children's will type amen and more. and it exploit people's empathy and religiousity by these author's post to gain likes and reaction and tons of comment section there. and sometimes they uses fear-mongering like "ignore with bad luck" and more. It is common in Africa which is religious and most religious areas. but rarely in secular developing areas
A girl from Philippines is Religion Baiting in Facebook to gain likes and reaction
A man from Nairobi becomes popular and had many likes in his Facebook page because of his religion baiting
When someone posts a status on Facebook or twitter which then attracts thirsty comments
Did you see James status last night about the size of his penis? He was completely thirst baiting, He had all the desperate girls commenting on it.
A practice by superstitious indians who believe naidhana is the mostinauspicious day, but experience nothing wrong, and so as not to anger what they believe is fate, provoke bad situations to "fulfill" the inauspicious day.
Everything was going fine, but my brother started picking fights by leaving trash out then claiming I did it. It was obvious he was picking a fight. I saw his astrology notbook and saw why. He totally Naidhana-baited me because God-forbid he's happy for once.
Men or women at clubs who are so boring or un-interesting in conversation that they're not worth the bother, talking to them. (Usually in groups of 2).
Guy1: Hey, having a good night?
Girl1: No.. I want to leave.
Guy 1 to Guy 2: They're dead bait, move along.
Guy2: Agreed.
When a gentile bagels a Jewish girl to hit on her.
Kevin Finch plays Fiddler on the Roof to bagel bait the hot jewess at the bar.
When someone posts a very unpopular opinion on the internet and you don’t know wether it’s bait or a genuine opinion until said person says so.
Dude 1: This guy said this awful TV Show is the best show ever!
Dude 2: it’s probably bait though, isn’t it?
Dude 1: this is some serious Schrödinger’s Bait going on here.