Personal slaves
accidently conceived and forced into labor
Oh I just love my children they were born to be my slaves.
How do you like your children Jim?
-Lightly salted, with a side of ketchup
tiny human being,great for football practice
if you can handle their deafening war cries
Annoying little brats that are 12 and under
Person 1:Hey why did you hit the children?
Person 2:They kept annoying the fuck out of me, They are spawns of Satan
Tiny humans that u have to give all ur attention to for nothing in return and have to act like the world is all unicorns and dragons n shit
Person:u want some lucky charms?
Child: nO! u cAn’T eAt tHe pReTty uNiCoRnS 🦄 tHeiR iN dAnGeR!
Person:…right how could I forgetttt…hehe
Person: I’ll take the unicorns out then..
Child:bUt the pReTty rAiNbOw 🌈
Person:*sigh* …children…
Children are sexually transmitted diseases that will ruin your life.
I have too many children.