A spooky sniper is an ominous man who stands outside ones window while “sniping” them with their cum as they jerk off
At the adult halloween party, there was a spooky sniper outside the window
A mid gamer with virgin skills that decides to go troll on someones stream. Its basically a cod fanboy that wants attention cause they have no dad and they are trash. Stream snipers also use cheats to win because they are lazy, fat, and diabetic.
Streamer: Who just killed me?
Streame#2: It was a stream sniper, its the same guy again.
Streamer: Trash mfer get a life.
Any person, and I mean ANY person, who happens to come into contact with the streamer 'Richard Tyler "Ninja" Blevins' automatically becomes a stream sniper.
"look at him he's all alone coming into my house"
"what a fucking stream sniper"
"you're getting banned. reported."
“When your punk ass neighbor rats you out to your girl when all you were doing was talking to your hot Asian neighbor.”
-Andy Noel-
“So I was cumming in her mouth and everything was good then my fuckin bitch ass neighbor “PimpaSniped.” Me, and then 20 min later I had no girlfriend and no mouth to cum in, bro.” That’s A Pimp Sniper
“When your punk ass neighbor rats you out to your girl when all you were doing was talking to your hot Asian neighbor.”
-Andy Noel-
“So I was cumming in her mouth and everything was good then my fuckin bitch ass neighbor a “Pimp Sniper” “Pimp Sniped.” Me, and then 20 min later I had no girlfriend and no mouth to cum in, bro.”
“When your punk ass neighbor rats you out to your girl when all you were doing was talking to your hot Asian neighbor.”
-Andy Noel-
“So I was cumming in her mouth and everything was good then my fuckin bitch ass neighbor a “Pimp Sniper” “Pimp Sniped.” Me, and then 20 min later I had no girlfriend and no mouth to cum in, bro.”
basically a guy who’s really good at sniping. you think you can snipe him back but dude he’s really good at sniping
Sniper: “I’m gonna snipe this guy”
*Sniper gets sniped*
John Sniper: “Got em”