1) A small amount of air leaving the urethra, more commonly known as a quaof.
2) A way to slander someone who is closely related to a neanderthal. Someone who is incompetent, useless, braindead, and seems to have no use to the human race whatsoever.
3)During coitus when a man ejaculates on/inside a woman; his penis made a dick fart.
1)I went to go urinate the other day and it ended up only being a dick fart.
2) Jee wilikers, your very essence has dick fart written all over it. I wouldn’t be surprised if the sperm that carried you to your mother was a dick fart. You are most definitely a few chromosomes short of an average person.
3) “Oh My god you just had a huge dick fart. I’m so sticky now. You know I rather have your dick fart in my mouth than on my thigh!”
That moment when your dick farts and makes a funny wet sound
Dude, because scientifically gas builds up in your uretha and exits through your dick making it a dick fart.
"sorry bro- just had a huge, unexpected gravitational fart... totally put atrial fibrillation in my rhythm..."
A person who is arrogant as Fuck, but still needs validation to measure self worth.
My co-worker is a confused fart, who acts in charge of everything but understands nothing.
A puddle fart is the act of dropping your trousers and placing your ass into a puddle of rain water before farting and breathing deeply.
I can’t wait to puddle fart, I have been holding it in all day.
When someone pounds it hard and when the penis pulls out it breathes heavily like the sound of an elephant trunk
He ramed me so hard on the bed. When i rolled over off the bed all i heard was a loud Puddle fart it was heavy wind with extreme pressure that i couldnt control 💨
A famous spider found at Gundaroo Zoo attracting tourists and biologists to his famous allure. Made famous when biologist Hayden Irivne, (an expert in athropods) gave him the nickname "durry fart" randomly. The name itself has no underlying meaning.
Person 1: "I went to Gundaroo Zoo last week."
Person 2: "Oh wow, did you see Durry Fart?"
Person 1: "Yes, his legs look longer in real life!"