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A ordinary creature that is so stupid it can't fly because of its antennas.

You as dumb as a chicken

by Naruto leader/king April 2, 2020


Take me back duo

I miss chicken :(

by OfficialRaymondRivera June 16, 2022


Scary small organism that becomes aggressive when ur close and wants to eat ur shirt

Also a ground type

Oh no. The chicken ate my baby

by Udntneedtoknowmynamewerejustin February 16, 2019


Large sums of cash. Especially, when dealing with 5 or more figures. Referred as chicken because fried chicken tastes damn good and it's like a commodity.

"Yo bruh, that Record Label be moving a lot of chicken with their latest smash album."

"Bruh, if you be moving that much chicken, you better be protecting yourself."

by boodhahood March 24, 2018


A man with feathers

Diogenes: Behold a man
Someone in the audience: that's just a plucked chicken

by spill border May 19, 2021


plural noun for chick (domestic or farm fowl), mistakenly used to denote a unit chick as opposed to a group of chicken


by shouldhavesaid December 24, 2017


Nice food they are nice in a burger at McDonald’s

The “chicken in McDonald’s is really nice.

by Chickengod123 May 15, 2019