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Jack Mckenna

Jack Mckenna is the king of Dh7. He owns brandon and durham and england and europe and the world. He gets loads of ladies and they often suck him dry.

I love fucking jack mckenna

by not jack mckenna October 14, 2024

jack mckenna

Jack mckenna is a fucking hero. Everyone loves him he gets loads of bitches and that, he saves ppl from death and that i love him and should should to!

Jack mckenna pulls more bitches than anyone you know.

by not jack mckenna April 17, 2024

Jack Fucked

The combination of being fucked and having something being jacked up.

Man I got so drunk I got jack fucked

by A*R*D February 7, 2011

Jack Ammerman

If you know someone named Jack Ammerman, just know he gay as fuck.

Jack Ammerman is a faggot.

by gang gang gang gang March 1, 2020

Jack Monroe

VERB To improve a cheap budget food by addition of other cheap ingredients, to produce a meal culinary excellence. To make a simple cheap food for example tinned tomatoes taste brilliant. Jack Monroe is a British food writer, that became famous writing about government orchestrated food poverty. She the author of many recipe books, which are distributed to food banks.

Could you jack this tin of beans up.

I cant believe I have just jack monroed up fish paste and pasta
Mum Jack Monroed the food parcels
I got sanctioned and lived by jacking what was left in my cupboard

by fishpastefi September 28, 2021

jacking my goof

Jacking my goof

Daimeyon are you fucking jacking my goof?

by GoofJacker May 12, 2022

Jack Xiao

A guy that likes the taste of ass. Also the strangest jit alive

Alex: Nacho fries taste like ass
Jack Xiao: Ass tastes nice

by fnakjnfaKJwef June 16, 2022