1.) (adj.) When your foreskin looks like a sombrero
2.) (adj.) when a young man smells like tacos and penises mixed together
1.) Hey Dr. doe is this what they call penis Mexican
2.) man I wish John could stop being a penis Mexican
Have you seen Shahn’s penis? He has the perfect penis when it’s pumped!
Someone who is possession of a Fila fanny pack. He often falls asleep in church. He is seen as a librarian hoe, a toe sucker, and a bitch.
Jacob is a church penis.
Samuel’s penis was very long
“Lilly said his penis was very big!” Harry said
Samuel’s penis is very long
Making jokes about ones penis and it's size.
Jerry was really penis Roasting tom by saying his was so long and thin like crap!
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Person1: Hey whats your talent?
Person2: Penis eater 200