The act of leaving a stadium before the full-time whistle because your team is being absolutely battered!
Fire Drill at Saint Marys as Chelsea score 4 before the half-time whistle
A practice where the fire marshal visits the building to release a fire hornrt nest, which fear people enough for them to evacuate the building without the need for the fire alarm. A few people will get stung by fire hornrts on the way out of the building
The fire drill was scary yesterday!
Four to six participants are in a car that is stopped at a red light. One person rips the hardest ass imaginable and everyone has to get out of the car until the smell passes. No one may enter the car, even if the light turns green, until the car smells better. This is loosely based on the chinese fire drill.
Big cheese: “dude on Sunday we had the worst German Fire Drill ever”
John: “yeah man it was pretty smelly my dude”
When you insert your dick in someone & start spinning it, which it sometimes does on it's own
Don't drill rush me, I'm too weak
When you and your buddy are silly pussyfucking the horsejizz out of two different girls in two different rooms and after you both semenize their clits you and your broad meet your buddy and his whore in the kitchen. Once you have met, you high five your buddy and switch girls. Only this time, you have to stick your chocolate in her chocolate factory.
“Last night, me and Spencer absolutely Chinese fire drill’d the cowshit out of two black hookers.”
“Harris was Chinese fire drilling this one cunt, and she pulled an amber heard after he had his winnie in her Pooh!”
When your server leaves and everyone at the table switches seats and/or tables before he/she gets back just to fuck with them.
"My asshole table just did a Canadian fire drill now they are all mixed up in the pos system!"
"She's gone! Hurry and do a Canadian fire drill before she gets back!"