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Riley (boy)

Riley is an amazingly hot sexy beast who deserves a bj from anyone he wants. If u getcthe chance to Rail Riley do it, hes worth it.

Girl.2"Riley (boy) is so hot I wanna get in his pants so bad"
Girl.1 "same In only horney for him"

by American.girl500 April 23, 2021

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Riley Helms

1 - A small cat like creature who thinks it can excrete seminal fluid wherever it chooses.

2 - The act of doing nothing while eating chocolate and watching a dare devil jumping over a field of daisy's on a tricycle.

1 - Wow your Riley Helms just dumped all over my chair.

2 - "Wheres Steve tonight" "hes being a Riley Helms at his place and cant make it".

by RiLeY431m5ftw July 13, 2012

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Teddy Riley

When a simple task is way overdone, in the hopes of it being epic, only for it to be an epic failure!

And now the best man will give a few words. Out comes the full band with horn section, lighting specialist, backup dancers, and a DJ. And the best man forgets his words.
I knew he was going to Teddy Riley this!

Her: Let's spend a weekend.
Him: Plans trip to a private Caribbean, island, all inclusive, flying first class, with servants to cater to every whim and when it comes time to be intimate realizes he left his viagara at home.
Her: Uugghh you really Teddy Riley'd this weekend!

by xhale763 April 20, 2020

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amber riley

One of the the greatest singers of this generation. Sadly she does not get the recognition she deserves and is extremely underrated she played Mercedes Jones in the show β€œGlee” and was spectacular.

Heather: Who are your three favorite singers?
Me: Amber Riley, Amber Riley, and Amber Riley.

by BurntBryan November 27, 2020

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Riley Landrum

A Riley Landrum is a term that is used to label someone as a supreme class asshole. Being called Riley Landrum is one of the most vulgar insults known to man. It has many vulgar meanings, all but not limited to:
- An acne riddled horse
- Horrible singer
- Poser
- Hater
-Envious dickhead

- A person that rants and complains about anything and anyone
- Fake Person/Two Faced
- Low IQ
- Sex Offender
- A person that can’t hold a conversation
- A person that produces bad music that makes ur ears bleed

- Will talk shit about ones gear or item then proceeds to buy the same exact thing and change their opinion about it

Guthrie Govan: β€œHello!? 911!? There’s a guy named Riley Landrum outside my house and he’s threatening to rape me?!”
911 Operator: β€œChloe!? Is he bothering you again?!”

by Gliznig June 7, 2020

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Riley Cole

BIG DICK ENERGYYY!!! Rileys have the biggest dicks and the best sex. He's the best running-back on the football team. He will steal your girl if you fuck with him. Rileys are really loyal and can treat a girl with respect. If Riley dates a girl named Kacie, she is a lucky girl, and he loves her.

Girl: "Is that a Riley Cole? He is sooo fucking cute and sexy, I bet he has a big dick."

by NoLieNiggaz October 13, 2018

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riley mulkey

A very unattractive person. A dude that stabs you in the back. He steals all the girls. A little b0tch

Riley mulkey is a back stabber

by daddt ei8309034801jkjJJJ85 January 19, 2018

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