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Slamming the ham

the act of beating ones meat or masturbation

I was sick from school so i was slamming the ham all day until my foreskin tore off

by central jersey ham slammer January 23, 2013

6πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Slam Kike

Slam kike is a Dr. Dreidle spinning, yamica wearing, penny pocket picker, Kosherland champion player, monorah lighting pile of shit known to man kind.

Girl: Yo jew let me get that remote
GUY: nah get it yourself
Girl: fine you slam kike bastard

by chokerLILJoker February 11, 2010

13πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Summer Slam

A chick that only appears around summer time and get's slammed by everyone before disappearing for the winter. (There's one in every hood)

Yo, I saw Summer Slam the other day, I had to pull over & get some, she was looking phat my cousin saw me dropping her off & offered to take her home, I guess he slammed her too.

by Snapper October 8, 2004

13πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

Slam Pig

Big fat ugly whore who thinks she is the hottest shit to ever touch the face of the Earth. In reality the only people who fuck her are drunk college kids who need an easy fuck at a party, or basically anybody desperate enough to fuck something so fat, so ugly, and so used up.

Dude, I can't believe Steve fucked that Slam Pig!" "I know man, but he was wicked drunk, he probably would've fucked your mother if it was his only option." "Fuck you man, she's dead!" "EXACTLY!

by Big Red36 November 19, 2010

24πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž

Clam Slam

1. (v.) When one female prevents another female from scoring on a professional and/or personal level.

2. (v.) Female equivalent of cock block.

Synonyms: Twat swat; clam dam; clam jam (not to be mistaken for rag).

I was just about to close the deal when she cut in, cut me off and clam slammed me so hard I got whiplash. So...I punched her in the vag.

by foschizzlemanizzle June 6, 2010

63πŸ‘ 62πŸ‘Ž

poetry slam

Shit poetry by illiterate hipsters. Everyone gets on stage and yells at you about Social Injustice.

My friend forced me to go a poetry slam. I had not before then seen such a high concentration of pretentious assholes gathered for the purpose of stoking one another's egos.

by Teresa Alice April 7, 2008

126πŸ‘ 139πŸ‘Ž

slit slamming

When you’re pulverizing that pussy to the degree where she’ll need a wheelchair for a few days after.

Hey me and the boys are going slit slamming later...you should totally join!

by Bartle_doo December 27, 2018

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