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Autistic. Really autistic.

Someone: Have you seen X-Bruce-Lee
XBL: (autistic noises)

by Yes Yes No but Ok December 30, 2022

Bruce Le

Bruce Lee imitator.

Akinator was defeated by Bruce Le

by JibbaFengga August 30, 2021

Bruce Bvon Boonvisut

A : A black boy who is in love with Sheen Thianthai.

B : A bad person who shits on your face all the time.

C : Gay person.

William stop being such a Bruce Bvon Boonvisut!

by 8ow7eiutyghiouwaefsgdvawuef February 3, 2021

Bruce Pic

Dick pic sent by a homosexual man to a heterosexual man

Alfie sent Kallum a bruce pic last night

by BKAJ January 17, 2018

The Bruce Willis

The act of putting one's bald head into a women vagina/pussy.

Coined by The Glory Hole podcast on www.Riotcast.com

A sexual act of a guy, that is bald, putting his whole head into a womens pussy. this is called The Bruce Willis, as told by The Glory Hole podcast on episode 079 on www.riotcast.com

by GloryHolePodcast March 7, 2012

Bruce Willised

To break a man so he cries over everything.
eg: Bruce Willis’ character in friends

That guy has Bruce Willised, he would even cry over spilt milk.

by Bastual March 16, 2024


When you get high off of your own ass hole fumes.

Usually it's something alot of cats or dogs do when they are bored in their spare time. It's only a common thing to be done if their name is Bruce.

God damn it Bruce, stop bruceing off of your ass hole. You've been sniffing that crack for days and have over dosed off of your own ass stench.

by Scuddler October 16, 2023