"I found myself eating hangover salad when I was hella drunk with Chelsea on Saturday and I ate hangover salad".
A nice place to be during a hangover. Generally characterized as having blankets hung over windows as curtains, dark-colored and/or eggcartoned walls, cool temperature, futons, couches, ceiling fans and several other low-key features that would otherwise go unloved.
Friend: (on phone) Hey, man! Wanna have breakfast at <bar name> with meh?
You: Nah, I'm all cozy in my hangover shelter...
The feeling you get for up to an hour after attempting the cinnamon challenge. Some signs of a cinnamon hangover include, but are not limited too: Extreme drowsiness, diarrhea, and wanting to cut off your own nose.
Cole: What happened to you two?
Wade: (passed out)
Tanner: We just tried the cinnamon challenge and now we have a huge cinnamon hangover. FML.
Cole: Only 1 tablespoon of cinnamon?....pussy.
The tired feeling a paranormal investigator has in the days following an investigation.
Man I have such a "Parnormal Hangover" after that case last night. Those ghosts wore me out.
(noun). The mental agony you go through the day after drinking when you recall your poor decisions from the night before. Caused most frequently upon hearing anything following the statement "oh my god last night you...". Symptoms: questioning your existence/wondering how ashamed your parents would be of you
I am having such a bad personality hangover that I googled AA in my area and contemplated ubering to a 4:30 meeting.
Feeling overstimulated at a high speed pace. Mentally not prepared for the next minute of information. Waking up with an emptiness in your soul.
I totally have a vanderpump hangover today.
Waking up the day after a Bruce Springsteen concert with a headache and no voice. It is a direct result of singing Born to Run way too loud.
<Guy 1> Dude, you wanna do something today?
<Guy 2> No, total Bruce hangover.