Source Code

Microsoft Windows

Consistently inconsistent.

"Microsoft Windows is complete garbage" said Mark as he booted up his Ubuntu PC.

by Melodi_Bug November 30, 2021

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Zephyr Window

A hole in ones underwear at the back end, so that when you fart, the zephyr wind can flow through.

Dude! i can see your devils onion ring through your zephyr window.

by nybiru March 16, 2011

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Windows wakeup

When you turn on a Microsoft Windows computer and the Windows startup music blares out at full volume.

So here I am, daydreaming in my own world when suddenly I receive a Windows wakeup right before my prof started a lecture. The entire class was quite frizzed and annoyed by it.

by anonymous6812 December 11, 2008

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the window switch

you and you're buddy have to secretly plan this, and you have to be cool with your buddy fucking your girl.

when having sex with your girlget her over to a window, have your buddy quietly and quickly switch with you so now he is fucking the girl. then you run around outside to the window and wave to the girl

me and my bud pissed this girl off when we pulled the window switch on her

by bigbadmet October 1, 2007

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Tinted Windows

When somebody has a sick sports car, but the dude driving it is as ugly as fuck, so he tints the windows so still he gets all the female attention.

Girl 1: Oooo look at that hott 350Z driving by!

Girl 2: (as he gets closer) Uuuhh! But look at the guy driving it!

Girl 1: Uuuh yeah your right, he needs to get tinted windows, that's for sure!

by Scalcar April 25, 2009

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Window Game

A term used to describe the act of fornication

GUY: Hey baby, you wanna play the Window Game?

GIRL: What's the Window Game?

GUY: You open up and I'll hang out of you!

by Cringle32 September 12, 2010

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"Windows-10" to keep asking again and again until the person says yes.

Mike: Will you go out with me, please?
Jane: For the 10th time, no. Don't Windows-10 me, Mike!

by senpais-dic-tionary April 28, 2016

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