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Gamer's Thumb

The condition where a person's thumb becomes permanently disfigured due to playing video games, often results in a bump or oddly flat spot on the pads of both thumbs

Hey, my thumb has the weird flat spot on it. Oh, that's probably Gamer's Thumb

by PriorDread December 14, 2013

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thumb nugget

a drink: 2/3 Galliano Amaretto 1/3 Bailey's Irish Cream. in a shot glass. pour the Galliano Amaretto into the shot glass first then layer the Bailey's Irish Cream on top.

i would like to order a Thumb Nugget please. it is a shooter consisting of two liqueurs, Galliano Amaretto and Bailey's Irish Cream.

by paul in rockingham July 11, 2008

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monkey's thumbs

excessively long nipples that are highly visible through a woman's clothing

whoah ... did you see the monkey's thumbs on that

by Monodon July 28, 2004

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toe thumbs

The abnormality of ones thumbs leaving them to be shaped like big toes.
Often caused by incestral relations

'' dude your thumbs look exactly like toe thumbs ! ''

by Zuzutakatakzimbarbia December 5, 2007

27๐Ÿ‘ 38๐Ÿ‘Ž

Green Thumb

1. A term coined by herbologists to describe someone who posseses superior plant-handling skills. 2. Used to describe soeone that didn't fully have sex with a female, but merely masterbated, and yet still got her pregnant.

1. Girl-"Wow. Look at my garden! It's teeming with life!" Boy-"Yep. You must have a Green Thumb or something."
2. Chris-"So wait. She told you she was pregnant? I thought you said you DID'NT have sex with her?" Jarod-"Yes Chris. I got her pregnant. Cuz...yaknow...I got that green thumb!"

by Chris Strong June 11, 2008

35๐Ÿ‘ 49๐Ÿ‘Ž

thumbs down

What every "Urban word of the day" has more of than "thumbs up".

UD should pick words that have more thumb up than thumbs down.

by derp de derp tum tattily too June 23, 2012

22๐Ÿ‘ 31๐Ÿ‘Ž

Black Thumb

A gang group in the south east side of Canada. Origanallly founded to herd black sheep, now help to protect the farmland.

"Man, those Black Thumbs are crazy!" Said Tommy

by group4eveer October 16, 2012

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