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Andre is a really nice and cool dude. He gets all the girls and boys👀. Andre is smart and funny. Has amazing hair and eyes. Super athletic and strong. He'd there anytime you need him.

He's sexy👀👀👀😤💪💯 andre is nice

by Superbot209 April 24, 2022


A man who is so fucking hot, if you meet one you need to try and get him to fuck you. He has one of the largest dicks in the world

Andre is so hot

by Andre's#1fan November 7, 2023


A Hero in every regard. A Legend of the utmost respect.

Andre the Rooster died protecting his family and friends from the raccoon.

by ChroniclerGuides February 3, 2022


Andres is one of the most romantic guys with a huge cock and I mean huge, he will destroy your insides and make you feel like an angel in bed, most of all he eats pussy like no other guy

hey have met Andres?
no, why?
he’s AMAZING in bed with that huge cock of his

by OneEyed_. October 25, 2019


Andres is caring,looks out for everyone, pretty good looking, alright at sports, nice sized cock, dominates in video games and listens primarily to rap / rock music.Andres is the type of person you want in a relationship steady dad vibes.

Damn I wish I dated Andres he’s just such a great guy.

Bruh why can’t I be like Andres having no problems no issues.

by The Walrus Paul November 10, 2019


He's the cutest guy you will ever meet, he probably has curly hair that's bleached or dyed. He's very sweet but also funny, he never really tells people who he has feelings for because he likes to keep to himself and just be plane gorgeously-spectacu-mazing. ALSO almost any girl named Jaden or Jade likes him.

Jade : " Look at him.. he's so cute!"

Me : " He's such an Andres."

by ElijahKaedenCohenAndNoah_Hater March 28, 2021


Andre is a man who will most definitely catch your eye. It could be in a dark club full of people, but somehow you can't stop looking at only him. His vibrant energy is so contagious and radiates for miles. He's the kind of guy that you'd think only existed in books written by women. His uniqueness is rare but once you're in his life, you're in for the long haul. Though being in it for life might sound scary, he makes it easy. He's a person of depth and he's not someone you get bored of. Despite his fuckboy looks, he's actually a bundle of husband material with a great sense of humor and a great dick.

"If I were to give any more men a shot, it would have to be an Andre"

by AndresMyMaster November 24, 2021