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git er done

meaning by a true Southerner. Get on with it, or in other slang..jam it up.

You Yankees need to get a life and quit taking everything so seriously! Giterdun!!

by NativeMS August 1, 2005

44πŸ‘ 63πŸ‘Ž

git m done

sequal to git r done

Tasha:I have a new boy friend

Allison: GET M DONE!!

by ALLISON November 29, 2004

6πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

getting the j done

Hooking up with a chick, random or not, and getting her in the sack. If she's dtf, your getting that j done. Aww yeah.

Yo dude, did were you getting the j done with the girl! Dude you're a fuckin' player!

by Smelly D January 6, 2009

10πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


The expression that Larry the Cable Guy uses. Means to fuck, get drunk, get ripped, etc. it basically works for anything of that sort.

Ryan: "Yo Tony, finish off that 2/6 and lets bounce."
Drew: "Ya Tony, Git-er-done!!"

Bryce: "Hey Tony, I think that chick over there is checkin you out... Git-er-done!"

by the_doc October 7, 2006

15πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž

Done out ere

It’s when someone who’s is usually ugly, reckless, no self respect, and has no morals.

For example
β€œYou know that Amy girl she’s been moving stupid she’s done out ere

by Done out ere May 7, 2022

been there, done naught

A self-aware admission that your life's journey has been hollow.

He pretended to anyone who would still listen that he had experienced and accomplished nearly everything, but in the silence and darkness, he looked back on the days and years and knew that he had been there, done naught.

by Monkey's Dad June 24, 2020

Done a Real Plonker

An endearing, self-confidence-reducing term to be used when you have well and truly be fucked in the arse but a section of the powerlines track (Perth, WA). Usually consists of one: an overconfident 4x4 driver, two: a Land Rover Discovery, Three: a water crossing, and Four: a malfunctioning center differential.

A main situation timeline for the term "Done a Real Plonker" to be used is as such. See's water crossing, aims, drives through, bogs, sinks, floods car, gets towed out because, land rover..

Third Person "That guy Austin sure done a real plonker on himself driving like that in rear-wheel drive"
First Person "Ah fuck I've done a real plonker, this is the lowest point of my life and now my girlfriend is gonna leave me and get stuck in the washing machine with her step brother nearby"

by 12HT4Lyfe October 31, 2023