A game considered the best by mainstream RPG gamers due to it's "maturity" by mentioning things such as death, religion, and love.
In truth though, it is not that great. It it just another game that was overhyped by American otaku in an attempt to seem more japanese.
Aeris (Aerith) died... get over it.
90๐ 203๐
It's simply a magical series, the games are touching (mainly VII,VIII,IX,X/X-2) and the stories stay in our hearts forever because of that. My favourites are Vincent, sephiroth, squall, tidus, auron, basch, among others. Oh, and rikku is just amazingly cute, i'm in love forever!!
Final Fantasy series, I cried in FFVII, FFVIII, FFIX, FFX and FFX-2, just amazing, FFXII was a let down thought... :/
3๐ 41๐
While it was certainly an influential game, the transition from 2D to 3D did nothing in terms of gameplay for the Final Fantasy series in VII. Final Fantasy VII literally rehashed the gameplay from Final Fantasy VI and added the extremely novel and worthless materia system to try and make the gameplay look less cut and pasted, yet anyone that had played Final Fantasy VI beforehand could see what a shameless copy VII was. Many other game series that had moved from 2D to 3D had retained the classic 2D gameplay feel while actually getting significant gameplay changes from moving into 3D which made them feel fresh (e.g Zelda and Ocarina of Time). Since Final Fantasy VII changed nothing gameplay-wise when moving into 3D, the gameplay ultimately felt stale to those who had played previous Final Fantasies.
The presentational values VII introduced were excellent but the complete lack of any real gameplay evolution was largely disappointing for fans of the series who had played previous installments. Unfortunately VII is overrated for the fact many people had never played a JRPG before in their life (as they were mostly popular in Japan until that point). Many people were unaware of how its gameplay had no significant changes in the transition from 2D to 3D and how the games only redeeming factor was the presentation.
A disappointing game all in all.
Person: What significant gameplay additions did it make over Final Fantasy VI?
Person: No what I mean is "gameplay", you know the bits you actually play, not what you watch. You know, most of us buy games to play them.
FFVII Fanboy: ...
40๐ 86๐
Despite the misleading name, this internet forum is not a place where people come to discuss Final Fantasy. Members here instead discuss pressing topics such as "What is your action against cruelty?" and "Can we change the name of the site to Final Fantasy Patrick?". An excellent place to discuss games on Nintendo systems.
Final Fantasy Shrine demands a Phoenix Wright Forum
19๐ 36๐
So metrosexual.
Final Fantasy XIII - The FF that I'll be GLAD to not play.
Dude 1 : Did you see that awesome new protagonist Lightning? Isn't she hot?
Dude 2 : No, it's fucking cloud with some pink hair and boobs.
Dude 1 : They're reintroducing another black guy! Like Barret! Isn't that cool?
Dude 2 : It would be, if he weren't wearing lime.
Dude 1 : That Snow Villiers is such a badass.
Dude 2 : I didn't know that all you had to do to be a badass was dress like a buccaneer outcast.
Dude 1 : Hope Estheim kinda reminds me of myself.
Dude 2 : Really? You look girly and gay? Do you wear makeup too?
Dude 1 : Who designed these 'awesome' characters?
Dude 2 : Nomura, but if you ask me, I think that they should bring back Amano.
Final Fantasy XIII - The latest downhill.
80๐ 192๐
shitiest final fantasy game ever
final fantasy 8 sucks dick
116๐ 295๐
The greatest Final Fantasy to have been created. While it is awsome, too many people "cried" at the end of disk one. For those who have played it, you know what I mean. Those who "cry" in a video game need a life and a huge reality check with a nail studded stick.
Sephiroth pwns! Too many whiny bitches are playing a tight ass game like Final Fantasy 7!
30๐ 67๐