Sticker Shock Induced MI is the heart attack one has after seeing how much something costs.
Terry: Hey Susie, i just got my Obamacare plan cost estimate, want to see?
Susie: Sure, how much?
Terry: For me and the wife, only $950 per month.
Susie: Owwww! I just had a Sticker Shock Induced MI!
Generous kind, understanding but will check your ass. More intellectual than you so don’t even try it.
You wish you could be yung-mi but don’t be foolish with those high expectations.
When someone tries to say “Hi I am an hour late” but has a brain and finger seizure while doing it.
Chris-“Hey, Zack, I’m hungry”
1 hour later
Zack: “hi mi an hou”
The Nikyu Nikyu no mi is a Paramythia type Devil Fruit that bestows its user the ability to repel everything they touch, and is physically represented as paws on the user's palm that seem to be permanently engraved into the user.
I love it in the anime but the Nikyu Nikyu no mi is so shit is one piece games.
When people put together different fashion trends or try to being back a past trend and it just doesn't work out.
I am not sure that headbands were ever really a female fashion hit, but I can tell you that Mia made a huge fashion mis-statement with that one tonight. She looked silly.
Term used to describe the beta male attitude of not using their free time optimally.
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