Source Code

Kill time

A noun given to certain activites that mean little to the person performing them and in fact are just performed to waste time.

Donnie: "Why do you waste time on the computer writing definitions for made up words?"
Frank: "It's just a kill time to get out of working"

by S. Darko May 29, 2009

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Jizz Kill

The emotional and physical feelings of post-sex. After having an orgasm, the Jizz Kill consists of feeling unattached to one's partner. In some cases, a multitude of factors after having an orgasm during sex includes the following:
1. The uncomfortable and intense feeling of the nerves on the head of one's penis.
2. The feeling of regret towards one's partner.
3. The feeling of despair.
4. One may feel the desire for solitary.

Person 1- "Dude, did you fuck her?"

Person 2- "Ah.....yeah man. she was a fuckin jizz kill.

Person 1- "Ah fuck that fuckin sucks.lol. I hate it when that shit happens"

Person 2- ".....yeah...."

by Tuk Toi April 20, 2009

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license to kill

Usually used to describe a woman or man who is dressed to the highest degree of fineness that s/he can take someone's breath away (figuratively, i.e. not to the level of death).

note: not a legally recognized form of authorization.

LaFonda's got a license to kill in that hot jumpsuit and boot ensemble.

by Siouxzanna May 5, 2005

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double kill

When you kill two people with one shot in a video game. They are most likely side by side when this happens.

Digital Ghost terminated A. Noob with a double kill!

by cyanghost109 May 14, 2011

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kill a slut

You actualy kill a slut.

Slut: A dumb canky ass whore who loves to take dick, loves to act like a trick, and spread it like a bitch.

= peace of mind :)

You, Kill, a (the), Slut. Kill a Slut.

by Zekillaofdeslut February 8, 2009

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kill card

Not to be confused with outs, a card in poker that would guarantee a player the winning hand.

Friend: "I can't believe he sucked out on you that hand!"

Player: "Yeah, even though I flopped the flush, he did have a set and 7 kill cards to make his full house."

by D H June 11, 2007

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BUZZ kill

wen a rather enjoyable moment is rudely and abuptly interrupted.
when a pla or idea is "shit on" or "shot down."

it was a real buzzkill when she spit and it got in the other girls eye then my fucking mom tryed to join.

by Madd Jester September 6, 2003

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