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council knees

the overstretched knee area of a pair of tight trousers or leggings, usually caused by being grossly over worn

look at the council knees on that tramp

by jon ronson July 30, 2006

Dropped a knee

Made an offer of marriage to someone

Leg was a bit wobbly mate so I dropped a knee. She said “Yes!”

by jzpoz December 4, 2018

Hobbly knees

These knees wobble so much that they use cordy as an excuse

Bill how’s ur hobbly knees

by Haha bill January 5, 2020

knee grinding

This is the act of a smaller woman grinding on a taller man when this occurs because of the mans height the woman ends up grinding on the mans knees rather than crotch

That girl was Knee Grinding me last night

by LouisRhythms December 13, 2016


SHOTGUN KNEES are used by MemeLords who play League of Legends and watch BrickyOrchid8 to completely destroy and humiliat the enemy. It is a meme created by Lord Brick Sensei in his ,,So you want to Main Urgot" video. It goes hand in hand with a greenisch screen and ear rape when used right.

I used my SHOTGUN KNEES to slaughter my enemy .

by NaFeTs34 October 16, 2017

fire knees

When you’re officially old and your knees feel like fire after light exercise

Homie. I’m officially old as shit. My fire knees are Jacked Up from playing that tiny amount of basketball.

by pattykakes March 18, 2022

Knee lunch

This is when you get on your knees and eat somebody’s crotch out.

What’re you having? Knee lunch hopefully

by _Schrödinger_ July 30, 2021