when someone tries to pull Your nips out and stick them up Your bum
if you dont help me kill this kid, i will scoop Your nips
Zoop scooping is the art of a group of men ejaculating onto a hard surface and leaving it to dry. Once dry, rat poison is inserted into the pee hole in preparation for moisturizing the semen. Once pissed on, the men will scoop up the rat poison covered piss semen with their toes. All the men then suck each others toes with intent of consuming the piss poisoned semen. Zoop scooping can me used as a method of self-harm or suicide.
Oh man what an awful week… you guys wanna go zoop scooping tonight?
A fighting tactic defined by rapid, short uppercuts to the face. It is mimicking somebody "scooping" ice cream or any other substance that is "scooped" up to be served ala being served a butt-whooping.
Did you see that fight? Homeboy got scoop-balled!!!
a geberish word for i hate to poop
people use woop de scoop in my class bc i said it once and my bestie translated it
An unofficial unit of measurement used by eso competitors
We need three Emily Hand Scoops of beads.
Another way of saying rim job... you use your tongue as a scoop the loop being the butthole.
Margaret :"Moe do you scoop-a-loop?"
Moe : "Margaret that is gross, I will not give you a rim job"
To make a motion with one's arm, typically the right arm, that looks like scooping up a scoop of ice cream. Typically accompanied by a very corny expression to indicate sarcastic over enthusiasm.
To execute the perfect Dive-Scoop:
1. Make a loose fist, like holding an ice cream scooper
2. Bring it all the way down in an upside down "C" formation
3. Bring it back up, with a bent elbow
4. Deliver the withering corny 50's like smile (it should look a lot like the iconic "How about a nice cup of shut the f*ck up?" picture)
Sure, I'll take out the trash mom, even though it's my little brother's job and he never does it *dive-scoop*
Of course I want to eat dirt *dive-scoop*
Sure, go ahead and take my last piece of gum *dive scoop*
Having a grand old time! *dive scoop*