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Social gardening

The act of removing someone from your contacts list on a social networking site, your phone or email contact list.

Wow, I'm really sick of all these social vampires who always ask me to help them, but never return the favor. I think it's time to do a little social gardening.

by Captain Underpants III January 5, 2011

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Social Constructionism

Using your sociological imagination to completely bullshit your final paper for a sociology graduate student that doesn't understand what he or she is teaching.

Using social constructionism, I passed my sociology course!

by bewarnecke_00 December 18, 2014

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Social Disease

A disease that is prevalent among certain social groups due to a predisposition caused by adverse conditions

Head-Shrinker: in my opinion this child does not need his head shrunk at all, juvenile deliquency is purely a social disease.
Riff: Hey, Iโ€™ve got a social disease!

by Dogwould March 26, 2018

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social quicksand

A person who sucks you into a long and boring pointless conversation you want no part of, and you have no way to get out of.

Sorry I was late, hon, the woman behind me in line at the market sucked me into a social quicksand.

by photojenna July 11, 2008

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social acceptance

Social acceptance is the fact that most people, in order to fit in with the others, look and act like them. It stops (mostly) everyone from truly being themselves. It's is also the reason most people look painfully average. See conformist.

Social acceptance destroyed the world.

by Keael April 12, 2006

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beer social

A planned event, the primary focus of which is a variety of cheap beer is served to the guests. It is often a neighborhood event or welcoming party, normally held during the summer.

Jake: Leslie just sent me an invite to her beer social on the 21st.

Ian: Dude! your first beer social since moving here... You're going to meet a lot of really cool folks at Leslie's place.

Jake: I'm so excited!

by Define Me! February 14, 2010

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social society

social society


natural society which defines the natural order of things or the natural community as is in the state of nature. Social society, in contrast, however, constitutes what is categorized as a human or manmade community.

social society defines the aggregate of a group of individuals and families coming together in one physical location in order to establish a community.

by Baron Neville June 26, 2017

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