If you say sorry to someone that means you won't do it again don't say sorry unless you mean it
I'm sorry for what I did
a term over used by a group of semi gay males who call themselves "the bears"
"hey what's the answer to number one?" "nope sorry."
"hey can i have a cracker?" "nope sorry."
Something little mix say when they aren’t actually sorry
Leigh Anne pinnock: I don’t like flies...sorry bout it
A phrase to use when you see someone who is trying to show off their masculinity to a group of girls or people
- Dan H (to a group of girls) “I do 4 a levels which includes further maths”
- Alfie “oooo sorry beast”
What happened;
-schizotypal perSonality disorder
-all I want is you NOW
-haus for sale
-I’m a broke bitch who running out of money
-major depression
-listening to all the wrong ppl. Aka my mom
-our number (mine) got disconnected bday dates very sad it was significant
-What is life
-it’s getting hard to live
-why did you leave me
-depression still kickin my a
-empty consciousness
-body image issues I don’t feel sexy
-about to start self harming
-due to separation anxiety
-hospital bed awaits me
-what is wrong with me why can I never get it right
-feeling trapped and locked out
-never got help
-i need you to be my therapy
-distance kills
-Idk what happens next
-feeling like a burden to disclose my truths
-things have not been good
I’m sorry Idk how to text/communicate
Saddened by the misinterpretation; instant messaging gives me anxiety I was so happy that you replied Idk what to say didn’t want to say the bad things that happened to me. Still in recovery
I just now realized that this all was a mistake. I wanted to add though in the original post
I’m sorry