a very good looking person that is extremely attractive
dave is egg splash
To defecate, have a bowel movement, in a body of water from above, usu. a toilet.
Excuse me, I need to "splash one".
Usually used by road men in England, because guns aren’t allowed in England two opposing gangs will splash em down with thier blade
Ayo bruh, that Nikka from zone 2 tried to hit me up Bruce so I found em and splashed em down
1. When you poop in a toilet and the water slings back up at your ass.
2. When you pee and your urine bounces back at you.
3. In video games when you attack something and it causes damage to surrounding enemies.
1. I went to the public toilet and had serious splash damage.
2. I tried peeing on the guys car but I got splash damaged.
3. I'm gonna through my grenade.
That caused like 20% splash damage to those suckas over there.
When a black man from the hood throws a chu splash
Chu splash with no chu
When a nigger throws up on fortnite and you u throw a chu splash then then the chu goes away so it becomes a (splash)
I got the chu splash with no chu
A word phrase used as a question, or greeting to see what’s going on in that moment of time.
EX: “what’s up?”, “what’s going on?”, “what’s happening?”, “what’s popping?”.
“Hey, what’s splashing bro?”.