Pass me some of that Asian Madness.
Damn, Asian Madnes is the shit.
this refers to when either:
A.) A person is getting a beating from a/an asian/s.
B.) An Asian, most likely a child, about to get his/her as whooped by his parents.
C.) When a person gets raped by the entirety of Asia.
For Example:
Person 1: Damn Ching got some bruises.
Person 2: he told me he got an asian-beating cause he got 99/100 on the test.
Person 1: Dang, that's rough.
The curve of expectations with regards to schoolwork stereotypically set by someone of asian decent that makes everyone else look bad with relation to effort, commitment, and final product.
"Man, I hate that we only have two weeks to do this project. I hope Cindy doesn't set the asian curve too high so all of our projects don't look like crap in comparison.
When the only thing you get is A+ and you live on rice for a year
yo i went asian mode last night for the finals
1. To experience being ejaculated upon by all 51 different types of Asians in one room simultaneously. (Difficult to accomplish). The combined nut produces a euphoric rush and an overwhelming sense of accomplishment/gratitude.
2. A very fun time.
Hey, did grandma ever tell you the story of how she got the full Asian back in '58?
Asian Powers are one of the greatest civilizations ever to be known in asian history. The members are Jett (The Hitman) John (The Fellow Guard) Khanh (The Vietnamese Assasin) Preethu (The Brains) Jaspreet (The memer) Ronith (The Donut)
"How was the AP gang" (AP=Asian Powers)
"They were amazing today"
a strict, nosey, noisy, child-controlling and dangerous parents that has issue controlling their feelings, cant control their feelings and gets mad easily, some of them are abusive, or weird, or annoying, or noisy, some of them doesnt know limerence and happiness, some of them are nerdy who says that math is fun, they all are kind of lemarence
those are grades compared to their opinion (if 13+)
S (doesnt exist but if it existed): acceptable
A+ : acceptabl
A : kinda acceptable
A- : kinda not suprised
B+ : dissapointed
B : grounded for 1 week
B- : grounded for a month
C+ : no electronics until A
C : no electronics (permanent)
C- : no electronics and always study
D+ no holidays for a month
D : no holidays for 6 month
D- : no food for 1 days
E+ : will slap you
E : will beat you
E- will beat the absolute fuck outta you
F+ : will fuck you
F : youre fucked up
F- : beat you until you have 42 bruises
(fictional below)
G+ : beat the fuck outta you, no electronics, no food, no holidays, no breaks, study forever
G : stun you
G- : will electric shock you 2 times
H+ : almost kill you
H : will pepper-spray on your whole face
H- : will put you in electric chair
I+ : will turn your head
I : splash boiling water on your stomach
I- : put you in cold ice water bath for 30 minutes
J+ : splash liquid nitrogen on your both hands
J: throw you outta window
J- : throw a volcano rock on your face as hard as they can
K+ :you lay and your asian parents put something extremely heavy on your face
K : put you in liquid nitrogen bath for 15 minutes
K- : splash liquid helium on you both hands
L,N,M,O,P: undefined
Q:abandon you
R,S,T,U,V: cut off your hands
W : rip
X: beat the fuck outta you and abandon you
Y: splash liquid helium on your hands and abandon you
Z: cut off your hands and abandon yo
Þ: kill you
Æ: send you to hell
y: *watching tv*
asian parents: NO WATCHING TV, GO STUDY MATH!!!1!!1!
why is there a 1500 characters limit??