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Gym Brain

During or After a workout. A person with Gym Brain tends to forget words & act completely stupid.

I can’t think I got Gym Brain”

by pixelhuntr February 24, 2022

Gym Brain

The glazed over inhibition-free state of mind achieved during and after a good workout.

Man 1: where was jim?

Man 2: He was at the gym, look in his eyes. he's got that gym brain.

by sinister9695 May 6, 2014

Gym Biscuit

When a Gym sock is used to substitute a condom

Jimmy have Karen a Gym Biscuit last night

by Screeeeee December 10, 2019

gym biscuit

Hot fit female, typically wearing makeup, at the gym.

Duuuude.... did you see that gym biscuit doing squats? She’s hot and I wanna bang!

by MTen10 February 19, 2018

gym squeech

Describing a person or entity that; blames someone else for their short comings, gets away scot free from many infractions in both the workplace and in social situations. Someone who slips through the cracks. An analogy used for a situation like this originating from someone cutting in front of you in line in a gym class exercise.

Nick is a goddamn cocksucker and should stay on his own service counter to serve the customers. I am sick of doing his job for him and when the boss retires some day and Nick will have no one to look out for him, I hope that gym squeech will get whats coming to him.

by Crazy Mike666 November 3, 2007

Gym fag

Someone who works out solely for vanity and cares nothing about actual health, fitness, or strength.

I hate running into Trevor at the gym. He's only like 140 lbs but he's always shirtless because he wants everyone to see his abs. All he even does there is flex in the mirror like a total gym fag.

by Dirtball Supreme August 16, 2022

Tatted Gym Women

The most mind boggling, gut-wrenching, beautiful women known to man.

I love tatted gym women.

by tcf05 November 13, 2023