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war driving

The art of using a laptop computer and specialized "sniffing" software to located usable 802.11 wireless networks--while driving. See also "war chalking."

I posted this definition via a wireless connection i found while war driving the Haight Ashbury.

by SYFer August 9, 2003

50๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž

Star Wars

the end-all be-all of films

Is Star Wars a good movie?

Which one? Nevermind. Yes.

by captainsuperawesome August 24, 2009

48๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

war crime

See Unit 731, Bataan, Rape of Nanjing, Hamburg, Dresden

The lesser known and crueler ones of which were perpetrated by Japan, the United States, and Great Britain in WWII.

by Kirk October 26, 2004

100๐Ÿ‘ 36๐Ÿ‘Ž

Tickle Wars

When a Boyfriend/girlfrind or even a bestfriend of yours tickle eachother continuously until one gives up, and in return must do whatever the winner desires.(no limit on the amount of peaple)Usually takes place at the park, in the car, parking garages (lol), or wherever it benefits them.

(at the park on the grass)
Boyfriend:(tickling girlfriend)You give up huh?huh?
Girlfriend:Hahahahaha yes!I mean No, no, no, no!!
(girlfriend has sneak attack and tickles his nipples)
Boyfriend:Hahahah Okay, oaky, okay!!You win tickle wars for today!!
Boyfriend:What are your demands babe?
Girlfriend:Back rube please!!

by Suzie Ziemann June 3, 2008

42๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

Whale Wars

A documentary based show on animal planet, starring a team of incompetent "eco-warriors" on their quest to stop Japanese whaling in the Southern Antarctic. These people value the lives of a completely abundant species of whale, the minke whale, more than their own with such comments as "if I die saving even one whale I don't care". Every episode gets more retarded, with such fuckups as dropping the lifeboat line prematurely almost killing half crew in season 1, blowing the engine of the boat at the end of season 1 due to no trained mechanic being on board, letting their helicopter fall into disuse due to lack of maintenance, ramming the heavy steel Japanese trawlers with their incredibly weak-hulled "Steve-Irwin" boat and terrorizing Japenese crewmen with glass bottles and flash bang grenades. The show progressively becomes more retarded, with such tactics as throwing stinking butter on the deck of the trawlers in order to taint meat making it un-profitable, driving directly into ice-fields a few miles north of the Antarctic nearly sinking the ship and killing the entire crew...

"Whale Wars was on lastnight"
"Did you watch it?"
"Yeah the captain paul watson heard about japanese whalers so he immediately went to his cabin to sleep on the idea while the rest of the crew did nothing"


by Noel18 May 19, 2010

197๐Ÿ‘ 77๐Ÿ‘Ž

Trojan War

The Trojan War was a war between the Trojan army and a bunch of queers from Greece. The only heterosexual in the entire Greek nation was some spartan dude named Menelaus, who was the mentally handicapped son of the dude from 300. One day, Paris, some dude from Troy, got a bj from this chick named Helen, who was Menelaus' wife. This pissed Menelaus off and he decided to go to war with the Trojans. His brother Agamemnon, who was the leader of most of the other Greek cities (Menelaus was always the slow child) decided to go to war with them.

The Trojans were the greatest, awesomest, strongest, and sexiest civilization of the time, but the Greeks gave it their all. The whole war lasted 10 years. The first 9 years were pretty motherfuckin' boring, but in the last year things got a little screwey. The champion of the Greek army was named Achilles, whose buttbuddy Patroclus got killed by some Trojan dude named Hector. Achilles was pissed off he needed to find another buttbuddy, and decided to challenge Hector to a fight. In the duel, Athena kind of Jewed Hector out of all his weapons, but Hector was still raping Achilles (medaphorically), until Hector slipped on one of Achilles' tubes of anal lube that he had dropped. Hector got a concussion and died. Achilles then tied Hector's dead body to the back of his chariot and rode it around Troy and back to the Greek camps, were he had violent anal sex with it (he liked them messy).

Just before Hector died, the race for the position of King of Troy had began. Priam, who had been president before, lost to the emerging Democratic party lead by Odysseus. This is a little known fact, Odysseus was actually a Trojan dude. After those fucking democrats took over, things got pretty fucked up. Paris shot and killed Achilles with an arrow, and was sentenced to death by Odysseus for the hate crime of murdering a homosexual. His execution was carried out by Philoctetes. Odysseus' next act as President was to tear down the walls of Troy and let all the immigrants come into the city as they felt like it. He built a giant wooden horse as a welcome sign for the new immigrants (similar to the Statue of Liberty). The Greeks used this opportunity to try to invade the Trojan city. However, for some reason the Greeks were all walking with a limp that day (probably because of all the butt sex)and couldn't do shit (heh). The Trojans were able to defeat the massive army of homosexual invaders. However, Odyssues was appalled by his city's mistreatment of queers and immigrants and ordered the destruction of the city of Troy for its xenophobic actions. However, one guy named Aeneas was like fuck that and decided to run to Italy, where he founded Rome. He named it the Roman Republic so his civilization would know to always be republicans and not like those fucking liberals.

Oh yah, and there's a chick who fucked a bull using a machine he friend built for her somewhere in the tale. I don't know where the hell it is.

The Iliad and the Odyssey were the two gayest books I ever read, why the fuck do they make you read them in school?

If the Greeks won, why the fuck is it called the "Trojan War"? WTF

by Konages June 9, 2009

265๐Ÿ‘ 107๐Ÿ‘Ž

Total war

Total war is a conflict of unlimited scope in which a faction mobilizes all available resources in order to destroy their rivalries ability to defend themselves.

The first documented total war was the Peloponnesian War, as described by the historian Thucydides. This war was fought between Athens and Sparta between 431 and 404 BC. Previously, Greek warfare was a limited and ritualized form of conflict. Armies of hoplites would meet on the battlefield and decide the outcome in a single day. During the Peloponnesian War, however, the fighting lasted for years and consumed the economic resources of the participating city-states. Atrocities were committed on a scale never before seen, with entire populations being executed or sold into slavery, as in the case of the island of Melos. The aftermath of the war reshaped the Greek world, left much of the region in poverty, and reduced once influential Athens to a weakened state, from which it never completely recovered.

by Michael J. Taylor March 31, 2008

12๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž