Source Code

Garden Fire

A Garden Fire occurs when an individual runs into a room of people they just met, is completely naked, and proceeds to light their pubes on fire and prance around while screaming "GARDEN FIRE!!".

note: the odor caused by the burning of pubic hair is quite distasteful.

Dude, check this out.

Holy shit why are you lighting your pubes on fire?


Wow that smells awful.

by Outline of the State of TN February 5, 2010

8๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Fire Rocket

Putting hot sause on a mans penis then ejaculating into a woman

When Lizzy wasnt looking i put tobasco sauce on my penis and gave her a nice fire rocket in the back of her throat.

Darsha screamed and hollerd when i gave her a fire rocket up the ass last night.

I Fire Rocketed Your mom last night.

by firemagicman6969696969 December 30, 2011

9๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

fire sale

A fire sale is the sale of goods at extremely low prices, typically when the seller faces bankruptcy or other impending distress. The term may originally have been based on the sale of goods at a heavy discount due to fire damage.

also known as a computer hacker term that is imposes the threat of destroying all financial records, public utilities, transportation and to kill the economy and stock market. as from the above definition, a fire sale is where "everything must go" which in this case are the above. in essence it is a plan designed to create chaos by destroying technology to the point where a country can't operate (since we depend on computers and technology so much)

do i need an example? i explained it above. this isn't a spelling bee. you don't need to hear the word fire sale in a sentence.

by buttahburnz August 1, 2007

383๐Ÿ‘ 172๐Ÿ‘Ž

Spittin Fire

Talking to a girl, hitting on a girl, droppin mad game on a shawty

Man, last night i was spittin fire on this girl she was feelin me I swear.

by Swagtastic Zay August 1, 2011

18๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Fire Burning

A dance in which you rub your hands together and move to one heel, rub, move the the other heel, rub, and do circular arm swings. Your hands should feel hot. Preferably dance to Fire Burning by Sean Kingston

"Look at that shawty fire burning on da dance floor."

by DaGhetto32 July 9, 2009

25๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

Fire Snakes

When your shit is loose, violent & it burns your asshole

Several hours after a huge, spicy meal at Azteca, John was atop the porcelain throne, moaning in agony, shitting fire snakes.

by Alex P. March 25, 2003

31๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

Fresh fire

When you like someone at the start of a relationship and it's still super hot

Look at her eyes, she's definitely got the fresh fire

by Carinaf August 21, 2018