Definition of words: a complex arrangement of letters that form a complex number of lines and shapes that are usually in groups sometimes this is not the fact. However, oftentimes they occur with other arrangements of letters from the english alphabet. It is most likely that when there are many of these together they are called words these words often come out of an organ in the upper part of your body just below the brain called the mouth. But these “words” often come in organised groups called sentences. Now by saying “words” they point to the fact that words does in fact mean a random group of letters usually with spaces in the spots that are needed so if someone says words they are in fact pointing to the fact that if they say words they can both agree and disagree saying words can mean anything, it and mean the longest sentence in the world of it can mean hi therefor words in indeed the correct response that is why i have chosen to use this word when i can't say things, don't want to say things, can't think of what to say, or simply not to offend someone because you could be saying anything. So I conclude that this is the reason that words is not only my favorite word but it is also the reason that this is probably the word that i say most in the english language so yah words.
"what do you mean"
"oh i completly get it now"
a word is a word, words can be used in many ways they can be used to make fun of someone or they can be used to be a fucking pussy and be nice
guy 1: word
guy 2: you are such an ugly bitch
guy 1:let's settle this in a game of find the sausage.
Strings of text constructed out of letters.
Me: Hi
Person: You just said a word!
Word? a word to replace "huh" or "what do you mean" there are many other definitions like the ones below
example 1
Dayshown: she be giving me the best head she be eating ma ass too
Ray: word?
example 2
Lawanda: The men who love you will take care of u when you on yo period
Tanya: word!
Word: what you see when you're about to make an Urban Dictionary definition