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got e

a cheerful response after a sick burn, joke, or an exciting/funny sequence of events.

Friend: *says awesome yo mama joke*
Me: got e

by liklsparkle March 3, 2021

Got E

Got ' Em is used as a , got em is a phrase said in triumph after successfully tricking someone, pulling off a prank, or making a joke at someone else's expense.

When they walked away with those$200 dollar teddy bear that they wouldn't have had to pay for if they didn't win because if you don't win you don't pay. Got Em!!!

by Jamie dickhead June 2, 2022


Home to exuberant entrepreneurs.

Follow 'E-Cell' for updates and motivation to be an entrepreneur.

by Alphawolf97 November 24, 2021


computer illiterate

that old guy is completely e-literate

by The Options July 11, 2008

big fat E

a combination between an F and an L. A method of having somebody take an L while paying respects with F at the same time.

big fat E man, drop it in the chat.

by pieromqwerty October 11, 2018


Like when you give a girl a cumpliment and she blushes .usually they say ;stop it your making me blush and some say aaeeh! Instead -meaning to say your making me blush and im embarace. cause when they say ;aaeeh it sounds like ;your making me blush. But when they write it in text they type the *** as in exp. a***e

a***e stop it ,your making me blush!

by Royaltybeautyunmatchable January 28, 2020

Wall-e Papi


I will make this my Wall-e papi its so cute 😍

by Quinceflash October 29, 2023