An organization made up of people who share similar views on certain political, social, and or economic issues. Its main purpose is to help people who want to run for office get the social and financial support they need to do so, but some of its other purposes include promoting effective policy changes to fix issues that affect various populations in society, promoting societal changes to get societal norms to be more consistent with their political beliefs, and provide a setting where like-minded people can discuss political issues without fear of being putdown and disrespected for having a different opinion on an issue. It is important to note that not all politicians are members of political parties.
What political party an individual supports depends on their beliefs. Here is a list of some political parties and their views:
Green Party
Supports ending the war on drugs; Supports giving the right to vote to prisoners; Supports gender equality; supports providing financial compensation to African Americans to repay for slavery; Supports abolishing the electoral college; supports establishing ranked choice voting
Libertarian Party
have the government take neutral stance on abortion; Supports ending marriage licenses from the government; Supports same-sex marriage; Supports the right to bear arms; Supports free trade; Supports protecting the environment and natural resources
Reform Party
Let local, county, and state governments provide solutions to issues; Use more renewable energy sources to generate power; supports making a rule to prevent any one political party from having more than one third representation within any government body
Citizen’s Party
Supports the right to bear arms; supports same sex marriage; have the government take a neutral stance on abortion; have nonviolent criminals work in community service programs while in prison; supports legalizing medical marijuana
Pirate Party
Opposes the government and corporations performing surveillance on people; reforming the patent systems; increase the use of renewable energy; Supports working to protect the environment and endangered species; ensure that everyone has equal access to education
Something that ruins societies.
A coming out party typically for gay men.
This Friday at 9 pm Kelly is having a popsicle party at his house.
To incite and have a violent protest or rebellion.
we should party like the French if we really want the gov’t to listen to us.
When a Mexican in Pinal County, AZ, parties so hard that he gets in the car after being unsuccessful at trying to come up on a girl from work, almost gets in a fight, then leaves with his buddies, drunk as hell, ends of falling asleep at the wheel, hits an unknown object which causes one of his wheels to fall off, all the while he and his buddies are all passed out in the car, wakes up to the cops arresting him for a DUI. Firme!
"Last weekend we partied til the wheels fell off, literally. I was in tent city with Sheriff Joe. Tonight, we party til the wheels fall off again."
In down time you and your co workers sit around scratching your netherworlds. Then with the SAME hand you scratch your eyes. Two days later everyone is out sick with conjunctivitis
Oh Mary c allied out sick again. Twice this month she went to a scratch party
An ancient ritual that includes sacrificing one of the members of the party. This party must occur on either a year that ends in 21 or 45, however 2 parties can not be completed within 25 years of one another. After the ritual, a disco ball drops from the sky and UFOs shine their beam on to the disco ball. This gives all participants the enlightenment of Ghandi.
The host of the party must have attended a previous ritual to be eligible to host.
Hey, are you going to the body party later?