a guy that smokes a lot of weed and vapes has a great taste in music
Big E is guy that has a vape pen on him all the time
When you run an AD on a SEX SITE and it never comes to FRUITION.
The object of E-MAIL WRESTLING like sports wrestlers is BURN your opponent on the SEXUAL ACT they desire , as PIN them to the MAT and drop out being basking in all the glory with self masturbation.
The total cost of buying something online once postage and packaging, insurance etc has been added to it
Curt : I bought a sick new tracky off the net from Hong Kong the other day, brand new, cheap as anythin mate!
Jack : Oh yeah what was the total E-mount?
An e-turn is used when driving in the snow (usually while attempting a u-turn) and you pull your emergency brake to turn your car without having to put it in the reverse gear.
Pat: Dude! did you see that e-turn Jim just pulled off?
Darryl: That was insane! But I can't tell if that's cool or just plain laziness...
A funny and intelligent thing to tell your teacher after they give you a F-, so they'll give you an A+.
Teacher: You got an F- on a test worth 75% of your grade. You'll have to retake this class.
You: Keys without the E.
Teacher: Oh my garlic! It turns out you are very intelligent and witty! Forget about your F-, here's an A+.
1👍 1👎
another way to say "kill yourself."
keys - e = kys
Said as an alternative in order to avoid the comment filter and you still need to get your point across.
A:"Game is game."
B:"keys without the e"