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Full as a bastard

The feeling of being unable to eat a single mouthful more; Completely full, beyond loosening one's belt.

"More cake, Jim?"
"Leave off Martha, I'm full as a bastard"

by isthistheonlynamenooneelsehas? November 19, 2008

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Bastard Honey

Bastard honey is honey who's floral origins are unknown. Compared to monofloral honey, honey from one type of plant, or polyfloral honey, honey that has been mixed, bastard honey's origins are either unknown, undisclosed, or something else of the sort. The idea of bastard honey comes from the idea of illegitimate honey, who's ancestry is unknown.

I got some honey packaged like catsup from the bakery near my school, but was disappointed when I realized it was bastard honey

by devinhoo April 15, 2010

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whores bastard

whores- women who exchange sexual acts for monitary units
bastard- Somebody born without a father

the fatherless off spring of a prostitute

your nothing but a whores bastard

by Bobby Sultan January 3, 2008

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Bastard Shepherd

One of the members of the super hero group team gay. Bastard Shepherd has the power to make fellow team members stay out way past their bed time. Bastard Shepherd may or may not have said something terrible to someone.

1) Bastard Shepherd: Oh please go out tonight? What if we all die tonight and never see each other again?
2) Oh you are truly a Bastard Shepherd

by Mark Dahl July 30, 2006

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Geordie bastard

A particularly loud, brash and offensive male from Newcastle. Usually hell bent on Newcastle brown and looking to pan your head in for casting a single glance at his bird or slagging off his football team.

"Oh shit, were playing Newcastle today (re. football), the whole town will be over-run with geordie bastards!"

by gogggg January 28, 2006

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Freak Bastard

Someone who is doing unequivocal behavior such as walking around naked with a football helmet on, carrying a duck.

Check out that "Freak Bastard" with the duck.

by TroyFoster August 16, 2008

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horny bastard

a person who is too horny for their own good

Mike: Hey, have you seen that new movie about these two girls that get f...
Phil: Mike, your a horny bastard

by spydestroyer101 August 6, 2021

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