at first he may seem shy and like a weirdo, and he is but in a good way. he is a really good guy!who has many friends and many people love him, apparently he has a good sense of humor but it's only a rumor. blaze has no problem showing his feelings and i find it admirable, i would like to be like blaze, cool, bigheart.. everyone would like to be like him.
wa, he is really good at everything !.. he must be a blaze.
He thinks he is the biggest bird, but that really only is true about his size. He is round, and loves brown Gatorade.
Blaze?! That kid ate my lunch!
Blaze Klopp is a man of little words, he communicates in farts and no one understands him. He can’t get any women because of his farts.
Stop farting dude, don’t be a Blaze!
the kid who lives in the city and doesn't want a cool class trip.
Blaze is a city slicker
some hot nigga lives in arrow and known for cheating on OhSad. Also known as KKK leader.
To smoke a shit ton of weed for the boys and take a hit and pass it around the room but having to hold it in until the last one finishes his hit
Too high to function; super fucked up
Girl: Did you go to that party last night?
Guy: Yeah! Everyone took some dabs and got billygoat blazed.