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Glasses cunt

a fat cunt with glasses

Pat you're a glasses cunt!”

by urnanisbrownbread October 10, 2019

SOTA glass

state of the art glass. american made scientific glass which is the fuckin shit. at least i think so but i'm bloowwwnnn

This SOTA glass bong rips so fucking hard my eyes are bleeding tears of joy!

by fadeddd July 3, 2012

Glass Saxophone

Another word for a bong.

Hey man, you want to play a song on the glass saxophone? I packed a fresh bowl.

by YeezusHchrist November 23, 2018

Glass splash

The action of running straight into a glass door that you were sure was open right before you hit it.

Me: Get back here! I'm gonna kick your a..WHACK!!!
Friend: hah, Glass splash! Epic fail.

by XCchamp June 17, 2009

Glass Cock

A glass pipe used for smoking crack cocaine.

Come on now Audrey, hit that glass cock!

by D34thcru5h April 17, 2016

glass emporium

The act of going to a glass retail store and grabbing the biggest light bulb you can find. Then proceeding to the nearest restroom and shoving said glass light bulb fist deep into your scrumptious rectum

-Did you hear about Tyler and Hunter?

- No, what happened?
- They're in the hospital, they tried to perform the "Glass Emporium"
- Damn, I hope they're ok. Those guys are total legends!

by bossrossin February 22, 2017

british glass

shit. specifically dog shit on the ground.

watch out, don't step on that pile of british glass on the lawn.

by eazy.collective March 4, 2014