Also known as a shitpit but is slightly different.
1. A gravy pit is when you spread faecal (shit) material on the walls of the teacher's lounge
2. A bath tub filled with steam hot shit and beef stock, see also Gravy pit party.
person A: dude we should make a Gravy pit
Person B: sick I'm in.
this is what seeps out of a sexhole heading south
Just as Aaron's car started, Sarah began to feel the gravity gravy begin to migrate onto her sheets...
When everyone that plays outwar realizes that they're all gay.
I was totally raiding last night until everyone got gravy packaged.
A sexual act - rimming someone with explosive diarrhoea.
Oh man, I was with Joe last night, we drank Moviprep and gave each other the Gravy Crumpet. Best night I've ever had.
When your eating ass and get a few dinkleberries
I was eating Karen's ass and got some lumpy gravy
The special sauce created when an obese person has thigh sweat and to absorb the perspiration they add baby powder creating a gravy-like nastiness reserved for a special fetish episode of Jerry Springer.
Man 1: Yo, that girl is nasty. Don’t believe her when she tells you she has a WAP. It’s not her pussy thats wet.
Man 2: How do you mean?
Man 1: She had so much thigh sweat she had to go add some baby powder to absorb it all, but all she managed to do is make thigh gravy. I was like What The Fuck! I’m not putting my face in that.
Gamin Gravy is a chad who when you see walking in the hood you would normally throw your nintendo joycon at his handsome looking face
Damn Gamin Gravy his looking handsome I'm jealous I'm going to throw this nintendo joycon at his face