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Kitty in the middle

female participant in a threesome who is the only bi-sexual in the group therefore being the go-between for the straight guy and the straight girl.

Jerry was bragging to me about how Sharon was his and Donna's kitty in the middle and he wanted to try a threesome again.

by Shawni_1234 September 8, 2007

16๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž

kitty pussy

When a girl spreads her legs and you use your tongue to spread her pussy out.

" Yo, last night she let me give her the kitty pussy move"

by Tywan Licker April 10, 2016

10๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Kitty Litter

Much like a sausage fest, except with women. Its where there are a bunch of girls in one place, such as a party.

Dude 1: hey you go to the party last night?
Dude 2: No u?
Dude 1: Yea it was a huge kitty litter, should have been there.

by ANPE August 22, 2010

19๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž

Kitty Wig

A Kitty Wig is a hair piece designed for the sole purpose of beautifying household cats. Kitty Wigsยฎ is a product of the feverish imagination of Julie Jackson & her siamese partner in crime, Boone.Kitty Wigs, are the finest wigs for your feline companions. With models ranging from pink passion, bashful blonde, silver fox, and electric blue, your cat will be the talk of the town.

Pete:Hey Dan your cat looks like a cheap hooker
Dan:Thats the new Kitty Wig i bought for her.

by Pomile April 14, 2009

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kitty muffins

The kneading of cat's when they're into it.

my sweet kitty cat's making kitty muffins!

by psydtrakt January 4, 2010

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kitty spanking

lesbian sex

Carol and Francesca went back to the apartment for a few hours of kitty spanking.

by Anthony Hubert January 4, 2010

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Naughty Kitty

To pounce on someone (usually from behind) while wearing little to nothing

"Dude, John got naughty kittied by Sarah last night, he gets all the luck..."
"I hope Jennifer pulls a naughty kitty when I get home."

by Codechomper4 September 29, 2011

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