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Term used to ask if your girls if they have pierod supplies.

Do you have a pencil.

by Contratra winklespeaker November 4, 2015


A thing that always gets used

CaN i BoRrOw uR pEnCiL???????????????????????

by Canadian Keyboard October 23, 2019


A long shaft good for sticking in your ass. (Irish Slang)

I like sticking pencils in me ass.

by Pencil Expert September 23, 2022


the medieval way to input language. the sharp side is used for input while the, a little softer often pink side is the backspace. the pencil has a usage amount of about one thousand letters before it has to be recharged

"hey can you borrow me a pencil"
"a what??"

by saxen_bbq January 10, 2019


a object used to plug the butthole

i used a pencil to stop the flow of diarrhea

by big dic mommy September 8, 2021


A very long piece of wood that is mostly used for writing,sometimes it ends up in the wrong hands of a person. Has to be at least 7 inches long to be classified a pencil, if shorter then it is classified as a short or dwarf piece of wood. HAVE FUN KIDS WITH THIS KNOWLEDGE

He bro can I borrow a pencil?

Put that pencil up me please ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

by Master of the masters October 8, 2018


A man’s dick being thrown across a room

“Yo have you seen Ryan?”

Ahhhhhhhhh!” His pencil has been thrown

by Samson 🤒🤒 June 25, 2024