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Shooting the Shit

Shooting the shit is the art of talking about, everything, anything, and just asking why. From the fundamentals of life, to the the minuscule details of the day to day routine.

Shooting the shit can also be known as bsing or bullshiting.

I was shooting the shit about this weather with Bill the other day. Talk about a fucking hot one!

by Idek what to put here May 11, 2020

Shooting the shit

The process of sitting around and talking for a lengthy period about absolutely nothing important.

We were at the card shop for like four hours shooting the shit about absolutely nothing.

by withad34 January 26, 2020

Shoot it Up

Give everyone gum

Im gonna shoot it up at school

by boyloge13 March 5, 2023

Shooting The Disc

About To Fall Asleep

I’m so close to shooting the disc it’s crazy

by Day001 December 29, 2022

shoot and fly

Basically the same as a ride and die

Bro your my shoot and fly

by heavydutymacbook July 26, 2018

out the shoot

Synonym for off the chainand off the meat rack and balls as ass.

Dawg, that dunk was out the shoot!

by nappyroots August 28, 2006

shooting the deer

When a man masturbates inside of a John Deere tractor, ejaculating on the deer badge in the middle of the steering wheel.

'Have you seen Sam recently?'
'Yeah he's in the tractor shooting the deer.'

by BilboTheDildo March 21, 2022