Source Code


Literally means something thats is really cool.

Carol: Ayyy dat free party last night was sooo freakin BOT!!
Mari: Most def!!

Mari: Dirty House is soo bot!

by mariL0di May 21, 2010

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GD Bot

The classiest Bot in the GD Forum Base a.k.a. The General Discussion from the website Gaiaonline.com. GD Bots are well known around the GD for their robotic view on life, as well as robot threads, and a robot-like appearance.

GD Bot of the GD

by The General Lex February 27, 2011

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Bot Boi

A bot boi is a kid that has a trash perm and is trash at fishing,school and is the worst 8th grade player at fortnite and thinks he is the best. He asks like he is good at everything and calls people bot and crys when you touch him or call him bot

Omg he is such a bot boi

by Daniel Babalola April 23, 2019

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Bot Boy

A bot boy is someone who plays a multiplayer videogame that bad his ability can actually be compared to that of the A.I

I was playing gilli on gears of war 2 and he was such a fucking bot boy.

by TM1990 November 23, 2009

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egg bot

Refers to someone whose body is shaped like and egg and tends to waddle from side to side when walking.

Man, I hope my girlfriend never turns out to be an egg bot.

by samantha jane October 24, 2007

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ok bot

A text for people who is botting the text for the president.

Bot Tweet: The president will win! MAGA
Real people: Ok bot

by Wavey3 June 4, 2020

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Subscriber Bot

Something that adds subscribers to a youtube channel.

T-Series got 9K subscribers in 1 second! That is subscriber botting!

by FK97 April 12, 2019

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