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Floating around like a fart in a bottle

Having absolutely no purpose or use.

I can’t stand John at work. He spends all day floating around like a fart in a bottle while the rest of us are grafting.

by Annatommy September 15, 2022

Alaskan Float

When a Man or Woman pours a float into their partner's anus.

Timmy gave his girlfriend Jenna an Alaskan Float.

by SoggyToothbrush December 27, 2021

Boom, floated.

The phrase you use when something works out for you.

"Hey I'll be at the lake by 3. Hbu?"
"Me too!"
"Boom, floated. See you there!"

by Calymonkey May 22, 2017

Floating pizza

Floating pizza comes from the group called da "Meatballz". And it means, when da pizza floats. And when da "Meatballz" get "it in".

Shit girl, we're getting floating pizza this evening

by dameatballz March 15, 2011

floating nipple

A nipple that is implanted as a way to increase lactation in men. Normally handled through selective surgery by a urologist. Covered by medicare only in Indiana.

A man's wife is not capable of producing breast milk a urologist will take a skin graph of a testicle to produce a fully funtioning nipple that can be grown anywhere on the body. Normally implants start at the base of the neck and float to the middle of the forehead. Known as the floating nipple.

by Nipple doc January 26, 2014

floating sand

When you illegally drive a lifted Toyota in Hawaii on a public beach that has been closed off to all vehicles, originated in Makaha but eventually made it to outer islands.

When you are too busy to pick up the phone because you are ‘floating sand’ with the boys

by Sillyboys808 March 19, 2023


bombastic; high-falutin’.

Your write-up is full of high-floating words.

by uttam maharjan October 2, 2011