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Battle of Whales

$am murphy called on the Whales of the ocean and destroyed half of America and drank all of the water in africa.

Did you study for the Battle of Whales test

by Kevin GoGoGo February 26, 2019

Whale Spout

The Whale Spout is when a guy is jacking off and spouts cum all over his partner. He then proceeds to pee all over the room while screaming like a whale

Damn bro, I think Jenna loved the Whale Spout I gave her the other night!

by Dequarious Demarcus Bartholemy March 16, 2022

Sneaky whale

The art of sneaking an obese female into your friends house/apartment, without them knowing

Friend 1: me and Steven are going to

the club tonight

Friend 2: oh man I don’t know about Steven

Friend 1: Why?

Friend 2: every time we go out, he always try to pull a sneaky whale at the end of the night, in my apartment.

by Grifmiester November 27, 2019

Scarred Whale

A suicidal fat kid who binge eats.

"Hey James did you see the Scarred Whale pass by us."

by osama ben lez December 16, 2018

Explode the Whale

1. An action that has has good intent, but has quite unexpected and possibly messy consequences.

2. Naming the source of conflict and getting it out in the open. The results of which may not be pretty, but it is far better than leaving it to fester.

3. The abrupt release of any unresolved tension that has built up over time, whether intentionally or randomly. With unpleasant results.


The Oregon Whale Explosion of 1970

A Brief History of Exploding Whales (from theatlantic.com/technology)

The Oregon Whale Explosion of 1970 can be seen as a metaphor for life situations, when you intend something quite different to what actually happens.

Other notable whale explosions mirror that awkward situation in life when you realize you can't let something just sit there and fester, but doing something about it will get messy.


in a meeting: "Look we all know what's going on - why don't we just explode the whale and deal with it."

from theatrical improv: where a partner abruptly shuts down the scene by doing something too outrageous. "When you shot the other guy in your scene you really exploded the whale"

Waiting for something bad to happen: "Wow, this situation is tense…any minute now the whale's going to explode! And I don't want to be around when it happens!"

by steeroop May 2, 2014

Joe the whale

A whale that acts like a child.

Joe the whale is depressed.
Joe the whale likes to listen to Archer sing his "Whale" song.
Joe the whale got diagnosed with depression by a student reading Tarot Cards.
Joe the whale is sleepy and lazy.
Joe is a loving and sweet whale, once you get to know him you can see his true colours. He is a manipulative whale that steels keys and hairbrushes.
Joe lives in a dorm.
Joe eats oregano for fun!

by Joseph Whales November 17, 2022

Whale Tailin'

|Verb| - When a girls thong is showing or is high on her back.

Dang Monica, I see you Whale Tailin' tonight!

Girl I know you love the ocean, 'cause you Whale Tailin like crazy.

by PolaroidBlues June 1, 2014