Breaking wind repeatedly and noisily.
Father's triple portion of baked beans washed down with half a crate of Mexican beer resulted in a terrific 'trumpet involuntary', and Mother complained that he was farting like the Barber's Cat.
färt ˈvôrˌteks
After passing gas in bed, a pocket of air is manually created under the blankets (usually by lifting up a leg). Upon collapsing the blanket and pocket of air, a small exit tunnel is positioned towards you face for a full sensory experience.
I always look forward to my fart vortexes after eating sauerkraut and kielbasa.
The act of going to caustic laboratory as caustic in apex legends
Yo we are about to stinky stinky fart man roleplay so hard right now
A thicksweaty slow-moving shockwave. A fart so spicy and powerful it makes your nose itch and quiver. Sencing the odor will make you turn your head instantly. A Hungarian fart has the ability to wake someone from the dead. Tendencies of smelling like goulasch and leaving its vitctims unconscious.
"Damn Lucas Bontidean can you go one lesson without rippin a hungarian fart!?"
"It smelled so bad during enlgish last week, I thought it was the sewers. -dawg it was just Lucas lettin it rip!"
When you want to get farted down dirty style
"Fart me down daddy"
a tube that you insert into your anus to silently and stealthily release farts without alerting anyone throughout the day. invented by an unknown, unhinged, beautiful man in a terrible state of mind.
man 1: Jesus christ whats that utter fucking stench?!?!
man 2: oh thats not me
man 1: thank god its not you
man 1s thoughts: thank god i bought the fart tube
An individual who is the epitome of a "Gimp". Derived from the cartoon character "Bart Simpson".
Jed was called "Fart Gimpson" due to his excessive gimp behaviour.